James Geddes Douglas — In Memoriam

James Geddes Douglas, 90, died in Nashville, Tennessee on April 30, 1993. He opened one of the earliest garden centers in 1954, selling plants and advising customers on selections and growing conditions. His association with the Society for Louisiana Irises goes back to the 1940’s when he served on the AIS Board of Directors and was Regional Vice President in Tennessee, later becoming […]
Oren E. Campbell — In Memoriam by Tom Dillard

The iris world lost a valued friend and leader on Monday, June 10, 1991 when Oren E. Campbell of North little Rock, Arkansas died. Oren and his wife, Sue, were charter members of the Central Arkansas Iris Society, and he had served as both CAIS President and Regional Vice President of the American Iris Society, and was an AlS Master […]
Mrs. V. B. Evans — In Memoriam

An early member of the Society, Mrs. V.B. Evans of Ferriday, Louisiana, died in June 1991. Mrs. Evans had served on the Board of Directors and on various committees during the early years.
Calvin Blue — In Memorial by Marie Caillet

Each year we lose another of our longtime members until there are few of these members left. We regret the death on July 1, 1989 of one of our oldest and most colorful members, Calvin Blue. Calvin and his wife Inez joined the Society in 1945, soon after it was organized. They with their young daughter Susie came […]
In Memoriam – Frank E. Chowning

Frank E. Chowning, 87, died in Little Rock, AR, on Friday, November 20, 1981, and was buried on Saturday, November 21. Born in Rison, AR, he graduated from Vanderbilt University School of Law in 1922. He served as a US Army lieutenant in France during World War I. He practiced law in Little Rock for […]
In Memoriam – Jules Patin

Jules Patin, 65, died on Monday, October 26, 1981, and was buried in New Orleans on Wednesday, October 28, 1981. A native of New Orleans, he had been a resident of Lafayette for the past 27 years. He had been manager of Glazer Wholesale Drug Company for over 25 years, and at the time of […]
Mrs. Barbara Deremiah — In Memoriam

Mrs. Barbara Deremiah of 4122 E. San Amiguel, Phoenix, AZ, died on June 2, 1981, after a long illness. Barbara was considered the leader of the Phoenix area for promotion of Louisiana Irises and grew guest plants from many of the hybridizers. Her garde, with the help of her family and friends, was on tour this […]