About Us

SLI is a community dedicated to preserving, promoting, cultivating, and developing Louisiana irises, both the native species and hybrid cultivars.

The Society was founded in 1941, only a few years after the introduction of these previously unknown but highly varied and beautiful irises into horticulture. Its early development was intricately linked with the discovery of the irises themselves, a fascinating and unique story.

A Beautiful Purpose

  1. Providing growers with the best information on the garden culture of Louisiana irises
  2. Conserving the species in the wild, protecting habitat and preserving worthy historical cultivars
  3. Educating all about the history and cultural significance of Louisiana irises
  4. Sponsoring public exhibitions, conferences, awards, and garden plantings
  5. Supporting scientific research on the Louisiana iris species
  6. Encouraging the development of new varieties and supporting commercial gardens to make them widely available
  7. Cooperating with other organizations interested in irises

In pursuing these objectives, we work with individual growers, expert partners, environmental advocates, researchers, educators, hybridizers, commercial and steward gardens, landscapers, and the media.

Our Structure

Officers & Board Members

We are proud to be founded by and maintained by a small group of dedicated growers and collectors.

Mark Schexnayder


Monica Martens


Charles Perilloux


Paul Pastorek

Recording Secretary

Diane Louw


Brian Shamblin


Joseph Musacchia

Past President

Our History


Welcome to the Family

Join the Society for Louisiana Irises and explore the world of these stunning flowers. With a membership, you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, events, and a community of iris enthusiasts.