Contact Us

We welcome all Louisiana iris enthusiasts!
Please reach out to us.

For general inquiries, fill out the form on this page.

For questions on how to become a member, contact the Fleur de Lis staff, or add to our nursery list by advertising in our Commercial Directory, see below. 

Please select why you’re reaching out to the Society for Louisiana Irises.​

Become A Member

All are welcome join the Society for Louisiana Irises. You’ll receive a printed copy of our color magazine, the Fleur de Lis, the occasional newsletter SLINews, and other information and benefits.

Officers & Board

Feel free to contact Society officers and board members. Explore their detailed contact information on our Officers page.

Contact Fleur de Lis Staff

Want to reach the editor of the magazine or have corrections? Contact Brian Shamblin, Editor, at

Want to advertise in the Fleur de Lis?

Iris nurseries typically place display ads publicizing new Louisiana iris introductions, and the Commercial Directory is a part of every issue of the Fleur. For anyone wishing to keep up with what’s going on in the marketplace for Louisiana irises, the Commercial Directory is essential information.

The Society for Louisiana Irises believes encouraging and facilitating commercial nurseries and hybridizers are among the best ways to continue spreading these beautiful flowers to new enthusiasts worldwide.