James A. Foret — In Memoriam

Dr. James A. Foret, an early member and supporter of the Society for Louisiana Irises, died on November 4, 2000. Dr. Foret graduated from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1943 with a degree in horticulture, and, as a student in 1941, he wrote one of the first articles published by the Society. The article […]
Neil Bertinot — In Memoriam by Ken Durio

Neil Bertinot of Opelousas, Louisiana passed away on the 25th day of September, 2000 at the age of 69. He suffered from esophageal cancer for the last three years. Neil’s first passion was his family. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine, three sons and two daughters and their families. Neil and Lorraine have 14 grandchildren and five great-grand children, They spent many weekends and vacations camping […]
Larry Harder — In Memoriam by Marie Caillet

Larry Harder of Ponco City, Nebraska, died in September of 2000 after a long illness. Larry belonged to 30 plant societies including SLI and was active in most of them. He received the AIS Distinguished Medal in 1996 for his work in collecting and preserving historic irises and artifacts.
Zelma Patchin — In Memoriam by Marie Caillet

Zelma Patchin of Stillwater, OK, and formerly of Lafayette, LA, died in the fall of 2000 at the age of 91. Zelma was a Charter Member of SLI and helped stage the first iris show held in Lafayette. She also directed the groups of USL students that organized and served refreshments at the iris shows […]
Ben Hager — In Memoriam by Marie Caillet

We regret the loss of another or our fine iris hybridizers from California with the death of Ben Hager in the first week of May. Ben became interested in the Louisiana irises when he first worked for Milliken Iris Gardens in Southern California. They were one of the first large commercial gardens to offer what was then a new type […]
Minnie Colquitt — In Memoriam

by Marie Caillet Mrs. Walter C. “Minnie” Colquitt died at the age of 100 on March 10, 2004 at a Shreveport, La. nursing home. Minnie was a charter member of the Society for Louisiana Irises-and an active worker in the early years. She served on the board and then as president in 1951. She joined […]
Samuel Yongue Caldwell — In Memoriam by Tom Dillard

Samuel Yongue Caldwell (1904-2000), one of the pioneering leaders in the American Iris Society, died in his hometown of Nashville, Tennessee, on February 19, 2000. He will be remembered primarily for his work with Lycoris, but his horticultural passions ranged far and wide, including Louisiana irises. Born in 1904 the second of four children, Caldwell was the son of a prominent physician. He was […]
Bettye Qualls Shaver — In Memoriam by Celia Storey

Bettye Qualls Shaver – 1926-1999 One remembers her amid welcoming brightness. Bettye Shaver of Sherwood, Arkansas, met the world with a gold butterfly pinned to her shoulder, and sent good will before her, everywhere she went. Candy and giggling tagged along, and her iris friends knew adventure was never far behind. Her sudden death September 15, 1999, broke hearts across the […]
Henry Rowlan — In Memoriam

by M. D. Faith* Henry Rowlan 1920-1999), two-time winner of the Mary Swords DeBaillon Medal and a past president of SLI, passed away September 4, 1999, in Little Rock, Arkansas. A celebrated hybridizer and a friend to iris lovers everywhere, Henry also served his country well and with honor. Born November 17, 1920, he was in the prime age bracket to […]
William Dean Lee — In Memoriam

William Dean Lee (1917 – 1999) Dean Lee, 81, died on January 6, 1999. Dean had belonged to the Society for Louisiana Irises for more than 45 years and also belonged to the American Iris Society, where he was a Life Member and a Senior Judge. He attended all the SLI meetings and often judged at the annual SLI show. He also attended […]