Lynn Finkel — In Memoriam

by Tom W. Dillard The Society for Louisiana Irises lost a valued member with the death on June 18,2004 of Lynn Rae Finkel, age 60, of Battle Ground, Washington. She died of cancer. Born on January 9, 1944 in Maryland, Lynn was the daughter of Dorothy and Joseph Kaplan. She was the second of three […]
Helene Mertzweiller — In Memoriam by Marie Caillet

Not all SLI members are officers in the Society, nor are they Newsletter writers or iris hybridizers. Many members come to activities to meet with friends, look at the irises in tour gardens, and enjoy the fun or just to support a spouse. All of this applied to our late friend and SLI member, Helene […]
In Memoriam – Dorothy C. Howard

The Tulsa Area Iris Society presents an award (when worthy) to the Best Louisiana iris specimen in our Spring Iris Show. The award was started in 1991 and the trophy, which remains at the Tulsa Garden Center, was donated by Dorothy C. Howard. Along with the award, a monetarily gift certificate is awarded. Dorothy at […]
Marvin Granger — In Memoriam by Marie Caillet

The iris world lost another dedicated and prolific iris hybridizer with the death of Marvin Granger of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Marvin died May 11, 2003 after an operation and other health problems. He leaves many devoted nieces and nephews and many iris friends with whom he talked or corresponded for over 50 years. He named many of his introductions for family members, […]
Mary G. Sullivan — In Memoriam by Robert Treadway

Mary G. Sullivan of Scotland, Arkansas died on January 24,2003. Her tenure in SLI was short but important. Mary could be seen in the gardens in Lafayette during the 2001 SLI Convention with her AIS Judges Handbook in hand. She did garden and exhibition training in the gardens and at the show during the convention. […]
Samuel Newton Norris (1921-2002) — In Memoriam by RIck Bruner

Sam Norris of Owensboro, Kentucky, passed away on November 19, 2002. Sam will be missed by many areas of the Horticultural Community. His contributions to so many societies and associations has earned him our gratitude and admiration. Sam’s fascination with the chemical called colchicine has benefited such organizations as the Hibiscus Society, the American Iris […]
Ed Ostheimer (1940-2002) — In Memoriam by Patrick O’Connor

Ed Ostheimer, a past president of the Society for Louisiana Irises and co-owner with his wife Rusty of Bois d’ Arc Gardens in Shriever, Louisiana, died on July 22, 2002 as the result of an automobile accident. Ed was a longtime member of SLI, served as president from 1986 to 1987, and was an AIS […]
Ellene “Rokki” Rockwell — in Memoriam by Marie Caillet

I am sorry to report the death of another of our ‘old timers’ , Ellene (Mrs. C. C.) Rockwell of Fentress, Texas, who had been living in a retirement apartment in Temple, Texas recently. Rokki, as she was better known, died May 20, 2001 of a massive heart attack. Rokki began growing bearded irises during the late 1950s and became active in […]
Faenelia Hicks — In Memoriam by Marie Caillet

Faenelia Hicks of Lafayette, LA died January 25, 2001 at the age of 81. Faenelia had been a member of the Society for Louisiana Irises since the mid-1940s when she came to Lafayette to teach Home Economics at the University. She shared an office with Marie Caillet and acquired the job of answering Marie’s mail during the summer vacations. Most of […]
Laurel Bridgman — in Memoriam by Marie Caillet

Laurel Bridgman, a long time member of the Society, died on January 1st, 2001, in Houston, TX. Laurel would have been 76 in February of this year, but had been ill for many years. She began coming to the spring meetings in Lafayette with her brother Dean Lee, having moved back near her mother and brother after her husband’s death. Laurel and […]