In memoriam – Almeria Cottingham

The Garden Club of Houston announced the passing of Almeria Cottingham, a wonderful person who lived a long and full life, in June 2024. One of the ways her legacy will live on is through a lovely Louisiana Iris named for her: ‘Almeria’ hybridized by Leon Wolford ( Almeria was a close friend of Josephine […]
In memoriam – James Richard “Jim” Leonard

James Richard “Jim” Leonard, who passed away on March 19, 2024, will be remembered for the unwavering dedication he and his wife Kathy showed to the Society for Louisiana Irises. Their decades-long commitment, marked by the hosting of SLI conventions and the opening of Louisiana Iris Farms to convention tours, inspires us all. A full […]
In Memoriam – Josephine Muller Shanks

Josephine Muller Shanks, a lifetime member of the Society for Louisiana Irises (SLI), passed away on November 25, 2019. She was born in Houston in 1934. She attended Wellesley College in Wellesley, MA and graduated from Rice Institute. She married Rex Shanks in 1956 and they moved to New York. Returning to Houston she became […]
In Memoriam – Perry Dyer

Perry Dyer (1955—2018) The loquacious and talented Perry Dyer, 63, of Blanchard, OK in Region 22 died of a second heart attack on September 3, 2018. He had just recently celebrated his birthday of August 17, 1955 and was recovering from his first attack when he succumbed. He is survived by his sister Kathleen. Perry […]
In Memoriam – Dr. Bernard Hugh (“Bud”) McSparrin Sr

by Robert Treadway We were saddened to learn of the death of Dr. Bernard Hugh “Bud” McSparrin, Sr., PhD on December 28, 2017. Bud was a native of Lokeba, Oklahoma, but moved to Louisiana in 1960 to attend LSU where he earned his master’s degree and doctorate in physiology. He remained in Louisiana and taught […]
In Memoriam – Richard Anthony Goula

A Memorial Mass will be celebrated on May 13, 2017 at 11:00 am in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Lafayette, Louisiana for Richard Anthony Goula who died on April 7, 2017. The Eulogy will be given by Mr. Bill Miller before the Memorial Mass begins. Maestro Mariusz Smolij and the Acadiana Symphony […]
Albert C. “Bert” Detwiler — In Memoriam

Bert Detwiler 1919 – 2014 Albert C. “Bert” Detwiler was the fourth of six children born to J. Homer and Blanche (Shaffer) Detwiler. All were born in the same house in Jeannette, PA. Bert was born on March 28, 1919 in Jeannette, PA., and died of complications following surgery on December 30, 2014, in Tucson, […]
Melody Wilhoit Remembered by Robert Treadway

The Iris World suffered a tremendous loss with the death of Melody Ruth Wilhoit of Kansas, Illinois. Melody died on June 21, 2014 at the age of 66. She leaves behind her husband Jerry their two sons, Justin and Jason and their extended families. She was born on July 14, 1947 in Paris, IL and […]
Remembering Richard Morgan by Robert Treadway

A major era in Louisiana iris hybridizing in Arkansas ended with the death of Richard Morgan on August 9, 2013. He was the last living Arkansas hybridizer that had worked in the Chowning tradition of producing cold hardy Louisiana irises by including Iris fulva species native to Arkansas and existing Chowning hybrids in the his hybridizing program. Richard was […]
Remembering M. D. Faith by Robert Treadway

The iris world lost a dedicated irisarian and hybridizer with the death of Marvin Dean Faith of Searcy, Arkansas on July 10, 2013. He left a relatively large volume of iris cultivars including many American Iris Society award winners including two Mary Sword Debaillon Medal winners. M.D., as he was more commonly known, was born […]