Dr. John K Small

From the publicationSOCIETY FOR LOUISIANA IRISES 1941-1991by Joe Mertzweiller The first accurate date ascribed to Louisiana irises is 1788, describing and naming the type species I. hexagona by Walter from a plant from South Carolina. This was followed by naming of the species I. fulva and I. brevicaulis a few decades thereafter. Nothing significant in […]
Mary Emily Eaton

Mary Emily Eaton (1873-1961) was one of the great botanical illustrators. Her mastery of light and shadow gave a wonderful depth to her detailed illustrations of cactus and other species. Mary Emily Eaton (1873-1961) was the principal artist employed to illustrate Britton and Rose’s The Cactaceae (1919-1923). She was born on 27 November 1873 in Coleford, […]
Mary Swords DeBaillon — As We Knew Her

by W. B. MacMillan Although it was largely through our mutual interest in ornamental horticulture that brought us together, it soon became Mary herself, her personality, and her character that we, Peggy and I, shall never forget; and it was this that held us together as friends until she was taken away only twelve years […]
Joseph K. Mertzweiller Awarded the Distinguished Merit Award*

By Marie Caillet Joseph K. Mertzweiller of Baton Rouge, Louisiana was named the 1991 recipient of the SLI Distinguished Merit Award, officials announced at the Spring, 1992 convention. Mertzweiller has been a member of the Society for Louisiana Irises and the American Iris Society for more than 40 years. He is a past president of SLI and has served on the […]
Barbara (Mrs. Ira S.) Nelson Awarded Distinguished Merit Award

by Marie Caillet The Society for Louisiana Irises Distinguished Merit Award for 1993 was presented to Barbara (Mrs. Ira S.) Nelson by Aline Arceneaux. This is the sixth time the award has been given to recognize outstanding contributions to the Society and in promotion of Louisiana irises. Barbara Nelson, the wife of the late Ira S. Nelson, came to […]
Aline Arceneaux Awarded SLI Distinguished Merit Award by Marie Caillet

The Board of Directors of Directors of the Society for Louisiana Irises selected Aline M. Arceneaux of Lafayette, Louisiana, as the 1990 recipient of the Distinguished Merit Award. In an organization such as our Society, there are many unsung heroes who have kept the organization going for these past 50 years. Such members usually get […]
Joseph K. Mertzweiller Awarded the AIS Hybridizer’s Medal by Marie Caillet

Joseph K. Mertzweiller of Baton Rouge, LA was honored by the American Iris Society at their annual convention in May. He was awarded the AIS Hybridizer’s Medal for his research and development of the first tetraploid Louisiana irises. This award is voted by the AIS Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the Honorary Awards Committee. Joe attended this convention in […]
Dr. Robert L. Bledsoe Awarded the SLI Service Award by M. Caillet

The Society for Louisiana Irises recognized Dr. Robert L. Bledsoe of Sioux Falls, South Dakota by voting him the 1985 Service Award for outstanding service to the Society and to Louisiana irises. It is a real honor for an out of state member to be so honored, for only three others have received this -award since it was initiated […]
How I Got “Hooked” on Louisiana Irises by Marjorie Starkey

My love for Louisiana irises began in 1960 with tall bearded. In spite of all the “TLC” they need, my love has never ceased, so when in 1970 we started spending the winters in Florida, I started trying to grow them there. I had little success. We started going to the AIS Conventions in 1976. Either the Louisiana irises were […]