James Geddes Douglas, 90, died in Nashville, Tennessee on April 30, 1993. He opened one of the earliest garden centers in 1954, selling plants and advising customers on selections and growing conditions. His association with the Society for Louisiana Irises goes back to the 1940’s when he served on the AIS Board of Directors and was Regional Vice President in Tennessee, later becoming AIS Bulletin Editor. He served in many offices of the American Iris Society and the Southern Nurserymen’s Association.
As a friend of T.A. Washington, Douglas had begun growing Louisiana irises before making several trips to Louisiana prior to 1950. He attended several meetings in Louisiana, visited gardens growing Louisianas and promoted them through his articles in the Bulletin. It was through his efforts that our Society became close to the American Iris Society and that a Convention was held in Shreveport, Louisiana in 1951. Douglas was Editor of the first book published by the American Iris Society in 1947, The Iris, An Ideal Hardy Perennial. Our Society owes a great deal to his interest in our cause and his influence within the AIS to promote our objectives.